Artificial intelligence and data science has been playing a crucial role in the inventions of most advanced technology that the world has ever seen. Machine translation technology and its types, efficiency of Optical Character Recognition, natural language processing, Transcription Technology robots, cars, and much more. Today, we are going to discuss about an important technology that has some serious impacts on our world.

To have another language is to possess a second soul.


What is NLP (Natural Language Processing)

Have you heard about different chatbots like Siri, google assistant, or Alexa? They are the results of natural language processing. What do you think of this language now? Let me help you.

Basically, natural language process followed by different software, computer systems on larger scales, or smartphones to recognize the human voice, understand the language, use Artificial Intelligence algorithm, and come up with an output or answer. You are stunned, right? Yes! Natural language processing works just like a human being. Read on to get some more information.

If you are an android user, pick up your phone, unlock it, and try saying “hey Google!”. You will get some response from your phone. Now, ask your phone to find you some movies and you will see the list of different movies.

This is how it works. The natural language processing let any application understand what is its human telling it to do, and they will perform accordingly. Let’s dive into some more details.

Applications of natural language processing

This technology has proven to be of greatest services and source of so many applications. For business departments, NLP is helping mankind in generating more revenue in less efforts and time. As this system is all about assisting humans in completing their tasks, that is why it is very helpful for customers and business owners as well. For example, NLP is helping business owners in reading emails, sending responses, managing their overall inventory, calculating their overall profit, or even assisting them in developing different business strategies. For a customer, NLP is quite helpful in finding the right company that will suit the needs of customers, reminding them about their incoming delivery, or even helping them managing their financial aspects.

So, read on to get better idea about the applications of NLP:

Sentiment Analysis:

Suppose you are a business owner running an e-commerce store. You want to know the reviews of one of your products. You cannot read all of the reviews because you don’t have enough time to spend on customer’s feedback. How would you manage to do that without hiring someone to read your customer’s reviews for you? The answer is sentiment analysis.

Sentiment analysis is an application of NLP that can read a sentence, sense the emotions behind that line, and give you results. Working of this application is not so complicated, as there are two steps included.

The first step is to break the sentence letter by letter, and the step is called word tokenization. Second step is to read and sense the emotion behind that sentence. For example, you write “I am a happy man” in the sentiment analysis tool. First, it will break the sentence, and will sense the emotions behind it by reading the word “Happy”. After that, it will give you results.


This is another important application of natural language processing. All of us are aware of customer assistant applications like Siri, google assistant, and Alexa. They are the best example of natural processing. Because of their 24/7 customer care services, the chatbots are very famous around the world.

Search Engine Optimization:

Suppose you want to search something about Shebatek IT company on google, how would you do that? You will simply write “Shebatek IT Company”, and you will follow the results. Now, the word you typed to search something on Google is called Keyword. These keywords are the essential part of search engine optimization.

Moreover, there are different paid and free tools that can help you in finding appropriate keywords on certain topic. This is very helpful for content writers to write a SEO optimized content to gain good traffic on their website.

Advantages of Natural Language Processing

NLP is very famous because of the applications and advantages it has provided for all the internet users. For example, whenever you search something on google, an NLP software is installed behind search engine optimization for understanding everything you type on google, and providing you with best possible results.

There are other advantages of natural language processing which are explained below:

Better customer services:

The main purpose of chatbots like Siri, Alexa, or google assistant is to provide the device owner (customers) with a 24/7 customer service, that is very easy to avail as well. Now, the users do not have to visit the official website of their mobile company, leave their message, and wait for a response that is never going to come. Customers just have to unlock their phone, and ask their phone about anything. The chatbot will understand everything said, and will help its customers with their problems. That is why these chatbots are a great improvement to customer’s experiences about the products.

Increased growth of businesses:

Natural language processing has helped so many businesses in getting successful in selling their products, and making them efficient as well. A few years back, the business owners had to read their customer’s feedback by themselves, or they had to hire someone to read the comments. Now, the business owners use Sentiment analysis to judge the sense of any comment or feedback given by a customer. This strategy helped the business owners in getting a better judgement about the comments, as well as saving lots of time.

Frequently asked questions about NLP:

I was constantly receiving different questions about natural language processing, and I decided to answer them. Read on to get more knowledge:

Is natural language processing legit?

Yes, they are definitely legit. as I have said in the article, chatbots are the greatest example of NLP. If somehow this technology is not legit, how can a smartphone company allow their users to access it?

What are the limitations to natural language processing?

As all the technologies are not 100% efficient or developed. One of the most irritating limitations of natural processing is, the technology cannot understand taunting or sarcastic words. Moreover, if there are some errors in speaking or writing any question, natural language processing will not detect it.

What do I need for natural language processing?

You need to have good knowledge about algorithms, data science, language translation tools, artificial intelligence, morphology syntaxes, and much more. You will need to spend almost a year in learning important working facts about this processing.