Science, human efforts, and technology have blessed the world with some greatest inventions that mankind could ever wish for. Easiness, effortless methods for completing any task, studies, medical, and construction, everything is here just because of technological inventions. Science has invented something that possesses everything, that a human body can have – its brain, hands, legs, power, thinking abilities, and everything.
There is no doubt that technological inventions have assisted mankind in every matter of life. Whether it’s traveling, communicating, working, or something else, technologies have played an important role in making everything easier and efficient. For example, everyone used to communicate through letters, but science invented phones sent hundreds of satellites into space and invested billions of dollars to help humans in communicating. The question is, can machines replace humans? Read on to get my view about the question.
I did some research, and I found some posts about how can a technology like Artificial intelligence replace human beings? And I’ve been thinking the same since the day I read that post. Some people are even afraid that these technologies will take the jobs of a human beings. I know you must be thinking that if Artificial intelligence takes the common jobs of humans, we would get more efficient and fast results. But it is not that simple. Read on to find some important facts:
What would happen if Artificial intelligence start taking the jobs of humans?
Imagine a world running by machines but humans. What do you see? Some robots working as waiters? Some robots at petrol pumps? Stores? Coffee shops? Bars? Or even taking the jobs as a policeman or an army soldier? How would you feel? Do you have any idea of how it would affect the country’s economy? Its overall structure? Read on to get some of my thought:
Professionals will be jobless
It is the rule of nature that one human being assists another human being to ease his/her life, and get some financial benefits for himself. For example, if there were no taxi drivers in the world, how would a man with no vehicle will travel from one place to another? Or, if there were no mechanics, how would a common man with less knowledge about his ride, possibly fix its problems? Everything revolves around a circle, a pure system through which all human beings make living for survival.
Now, suppose you are working as a waiter at any restaurant. One day, you receive a letter from your boss which says that they have hired a robot to do your work. What would you feel? I tell you what, you would feel broke and jobless. This is something that every professional would feel if any robot took their job.
Would you feel safe?
Imagine you are just driving on a road, saw a robot working as a policeman. Any technical issue in its brain can cause something terrible, like it can start shooting for nothing. What will you do? I didn’t mean this to be dramatic or something, but it is a bitter truth that everybody should know.
Look, these machines are just like desktop computers, laptops, or mobile phones. Just like anything can happen to any of them out of nowhere, Artificial intelligence robots can have such problems as well.
Jobs will be threatened
Have you heard about Elon musk’s claim? He once promised to deliver more than 20,000-tesla cars in one month, because he claimed that his robots can work much faster than human beings. When the time was there for the world to witness 20,000-tesla electric cars, he only managed to deliver 2000 cars in that month. After that, he fired all of his robots and hired human employees to work for him. And after that, he has seen some successful days.
I am not here to criticize Elon Musk. But the point is, even though it seems that artificial intelligence is faster and much efficient than humans, but it’s not. Just like Musk has seen failure because of his so-called robots, any business can feel this threat.
What are the reasons behind all this? Why can’t machines replace humans?
There is so much to nature than technology could ever possess. Take a trip to northern areas of Pakistan, because that area of Pakistan does not have a good communication system, but lots of beauties of Mountains, rivers, and trees will make you forget everything that lacks. You wouldn’t feel the lack of communication or the internet. Do you know why? Because you will be much closer to nature. Read on!
Machines are not affectionate
Ever heard of a robot loving its owner more than a mother, father, friend, life partner, or even a dog? Nope, you won’t. This is because of the way that they are designed. They are not developed to love their owner like a human being. They are just there to serve their human and perform their duties. Even if they fail at their work, they will not feel your disappointment or anger.
You will see some robot nurses, which might be good at work but they will never possess the caring and loving abilities of a human being.
Machines are not creative
A robot’s mind and its thinking are limited. It cannot think out of the box, because they are not designed that way. This is why, Robots are human inventions, and robots cannot invent something by themselves. Suppose, you are working on your project, and you have your robot in your lab. Can you ask him for suggestions? Even if you do you will never get an answer. But when you ask your project partner about something, he/she will surely come to help you and may even find a solution for your problem. This is why humans are way more creative than robots.
Machines do not have emotions
What if the owner of a robot dies? Will the robot moan for him/her? Nope, never! Suppose, you have a robot guard to protect you from any harm, what if the robot fails to protect you? He will not feel a thing. On the other hand, if something happens to you because of your friend’s lack of responsibility, he/she will always feel guilty about it. That guilt will surely stay him/her awake at night, thinking why couldn’t they protect you.
Frequently Asked Questions:
I have been receiving some questions about the above topic and I thought to share them with you guys:
What is AI?
AI stands for artificial intelligence. A wide range of technologies developed by computer science methods is developed to perform tasks that a human’s mind and body can perform. They can perform every task just like a human mindset can. They are designed differently and uniquely for every task they have to perform.
What are the future expectations of artificial intelligence?
As technology is growing at a serious pace, we can expect so much from them. We have seen some robot waiters working at different restaurants, coffee shops, or petrol pumps. In the future, we may see some robot doctors, nurses, taxi drivers, or even soldiers.
What are the places where robots are currently working?
There are so many places where robots are taking human jobs. Some of them are given below:
- Restaurants
- Traffic police
- Self-driving vehicles.
- Google Assistant, Siri, or Alexa
- Chatbots
- Robot vacuum cleaners